S. Acts 27:34-36 “Now I (Paul) urge you to take some food. You need to survive. Not one of you will lose a single hair from his head. After he said this, he took some bread and gave thanks to God in front of them all. Then he broke and began to eat. They were all encouraged and ate some food themselves.”
O. Though a prisoner, Paul models leadership. It was natural/supernatural for him. He takes the lead in encouraging others to eat. He broke bread. He prayed. They followed his lead and were encouraged. When you know what your gifts are that God has given you, use them. Don’t take a backseat. Don’t hide your gifts. If Use your gifts. God gives us gifts to build people up spiritually, to bring encouragement. In Paul’s case, his gifting was apostolic leadership, so he just did what God had gifted him to do.
A. I love reading about leaders and seeing them in action. I enjoy this because I know God has given me a gift of leadership to serve others with. However, your gifting might be in another area. Use your gifts, no matter where you find yourself and no matter what season of life. Use your gifts to build others up and provide encouragement to them.
P. Thank you Father for Paul’s example of using his gifting of leadership to save and encourage others. Holy Spirit fill me and guide me to deploy my gifts that I might serve, build up and encourage others. In Jesus’ name!