21 Days of Prayer - Day 17 "Praying and Releasing the Next Generation"

Day 17, January 21, 2020 

Prayer Focus:  Children and Student Ministry

Psalm 127:3-4 (NIV)

Children are a heritage from the Lord,

    offspring a reward from him.

4 Like arrows in the hands of a warrior

    are children born in one’s youth.

Children are a gift from the Lord. But the word “from” can also mean “of”; they are a gift from God, but they are also “of” God. They are entrusted to us.

V. 4 says they are like “arrows” and in a warriors hand powerful tools. 

The process of shooting an arrow is taking your stance, drawing back the arrow, anchor yourself so you are steady, aim and release.

These are great steps in positioning our children to reach their God given potential.

We need to take our stand.  Stand firm in our faith. Believe God for favor and His leading.

Draw them back. Create a tension in their life so that they will want to be around the things of God.

Anchor them.  Psalm 92 talks about how good is to worship and praise the Lord. Anchor your children in the house of God.

Aim. Direct them toward their purpose, their bent, that they may realize the giftedness from God that is in them.

Release. Let them go.. Release them to do great things.

So today we pray for the next generation!

Posted on January 21, 2020 .