S. Luke 4:13
“When the devil had finished tempting Jesus, he left him until the next opportunity came.”
O. Temptation comes to everyone, even Jesus. In fact, it appears from this passage that after this particular event, there would be other times the Devil would tempt Jesus. The Book of James says “not if tempted” but “when tempted.” Paul says “…there is no temptation taken you except what is common to man…” 1 Cor. 10:13
We are all tempted; however Jesus gives us the model of victory over temptation.
I found it interesting in the margin of my Bible this comparison of Adam and Jesus. Both were tempted in similar areas.
1 John 2:16 Adam (Gen. 3:6) Jesus (Luke 4:1-13)
Craving for physical pleasure “Its fruit looked delicious.” “tell the stone to become bread.”
Craving for everything we see “The tree was beautiful.” “the Devil revealed all the kingdoms”
Pride in our achievements/possessions “The wisdom it would give” “jump off”
Adam gave into the temptations and brought upon all of us sin and death. Jesus Christ resisted, resulting in justification and life.
A. It is not wrong to be tempted but it is wrong to give into it. Jesus is our example to follow in resisting the Devil and temptation through relying upon God’s word.
P. Father, thank you for Jesus our high priest who understands our temptations. I pray for wisdom. strength and endurance to be like Jesus and not give into the temptation that we all experience. I ask this in Jesus name and through the power of the Holy Spirit.