S. Micah 7:7 "As for me, I look to the Lord for help. I wait confidently for God to save me, and my God will certainly hear me."
O. Israel was experiencing discipline from the Lord for their unfaithfulness to Him. He used the nations Assyria and next up, Babylon, to punish Israel. Yet there would be a day in which this would end and God would again bless His people.
During this time, it was so tempting for Israel to look to others for help, yet Micah said he would "wait" confidently for the Lord. This word "wait" means "to help, trust, expect, be in anticipation of." It is used for hoping and waiting for the Lord, while expecting His mercy, His salvation and His rescue. Further, while waiting, we will not take matters into our own hands.
A. I will continue to learn and grow in the discipline of waiting upon the Lord. Waiting is not taking matters into our own hands. I do think this waiting is to be done with expectation. I often think of how Nehemiah wanted to return to Israel to rebuild the wall. He began praying and prayed for 6 months. During that prayer time, he got together details of what the work would need to have to be accomplished. But he did not leave to do the work until God had opened the door. (Nehemiah 1). That's called praying with expectation and that type of prayer God blesses.
P. Thank you Father. Grant us wisdom and strength to maintain the balance of preparing and waiting for your leading. In Jesus' name!