Psalm 18:6
6 In my distress I called to the Lord;
I cried to my God for help.
From his temple he heard my voice;
my cry came before him, into his ears.
The Psalmist called out to God and He cried out to God.
It is one thing to call out to God and another to cry – out of great need and intensity.
But what I love is that Psalmist’s prayer not only came to God, but they (his prayers) went into His ears. He hears our prayers.
We can pray with faith today knowing that God hears our prayers.
The God of Abraham, the God of Moses, the God of David, the God of Daniel, the God of Peter, the God of Paul , the God of the Heroes of Faith in Hebrews 11 – Our God.. He hears our prayers.. they “go into His ears.”
So we can not only pray with faith because He hears us, we can pray with humility.
we can pray with Trust – What’s He’s done before He’ll do again.
We can pray with Hope – there’s a better day coming.
We can pray with Confidence.. boldness.. knowing He Hears us.
We can pray with assurance.
Know this – God’s door is always open. He is tuned in to what you are saying.
The Great God of the Universe, the Creator of all things.. the Sovereign and All Mighty God.. He can hear your voice.
Just like if walk into an area where there are so many other voices, you can always hear your own children’s voice.. “that’s my boy..” or “that’s my little girl”.. I know her voice!!
The same is true with God.. while there may be other voices, He knows yours and hears yours.. they go into His ears!
May you be blessed today knowing that you can not only call out to God, you can cry out to Him and that these prayers go into His ears.