Love Is Enduring
S. 1 Corinthians 13:7
"Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance."
O. Love, agape (Greek agapow) is never ending. This is the divine love. It is the love that God has for us. It is this love that allowed and moved Jesus to endure more than anyone else (Hebrews 12:4). It is the same love that should then characterize our lives (how we interact with each other).
God is so crazy about us.. He gave us His son Jesus.. to endure the hardships of scourging and crucifixion, so that resurrection power could be displayed and a new abundant life could be offered.
A. No matter how many times I just feel like quitting (relationships, family, ministry, etc.) I will pray and practice this love - because it endures and accomplishes great things.
Prayer: Father, thank you for your word and reminder that your love never fails. May I have the wisdom to put your love into practice each and every day ... and may it result in new opportunities because it is fueled by resurrection power.