Sometimes Your Marriage Needs to Stop ------ what's that??

Could it be that God is calling you to S.T.O.P? 

Couples that are not rested will have a marriage that will be tested! Spending time working for God is not a substitute of spending time with God!

Maybe you and your spouse are overwhelmed, overtaxed, over extended and just plain over obligated. This is exactly where some couples have been. They had thought, “there was no way that we could take a break " while at the same time knowing they could no longer continue  at the pace they were living. Their marriage was affected, they were strangers to their children and their ministry was suffering. This is when they heard the voice of Lord say, “S.T.O.P!”

Still yourself before the Lord.
Take a deep breath.
Observe God’s goodness.
Proceed in God’s presence. 

Posted on August 29, 2015 .