Well, it's January 4, 2014 and I've been taking these next few days to fast and pray, seeking God's direction, strength and power. He is so amazing. This is no food, water and tea fast. I last ate Thursday night and it's Saturday afternoon as I write.
I'm blogging from the local starbucks, a local watering hole for myself. Some people don't like to come here because the owner of Starbucks has made a statement that he has no problem with same sex marriages and will use his profits to support that. So some people choose to boycott Starbucks and not put God's money into the Starbucks coffers.
However, I have not chose to do this. Jesus said that we are salt and light. We need to penetrate the darkness and make a difference (Matthew 5:13). Jesus knew His followers were not of this world but lived in the world, and He prayed for their unity and safety (John 17:13-19).
I think if Christ followers stop going to places in the world because of what the world does with it's money, we will be going hardly anyplace. We will end up in our Christian bubble and be back to practicing monasticism. Ok maybe not quite like that, but we certainly will not be able to make a difference and lighten the way.
In 2014 I am praying for others to join me to win back areas of darkness, to illuminate these areas for Jesus Christ and to make a difference. Let's make these places where people's lives are changed and trust the Lord to honor these efforts.
Blessings... and now let's go enjoy an illuminated, zesty coffee or tea. :)