Returning from a whirlwind trip to Washington, DC, I'm sitting in the hotel breakfast area (somewhere in Eastern Pennsylvania) taking some time to pray, read the Word, and to think about what the Lord might be sharing with me today.
My eyes skimmed over this passage from Luke 22 in which Jesus is having a final supper with His disciples. What has captured my eye and attention is this verse, "When the time came, Jesus and the apostles sat down together at the table. Jesus said, 'I have been very eager to eat this Passover meal with you before my suffering begins.'" (Luke 22:14-15).
As I read this I thought, "wow, Jesus was eager to be with those around Him just before entering into what would be the ultimate outreach event" (suffering, crucifixion and resurrection). Jesus was pausing to be with others and he let's them know he was eager to be with them. I suppose you might also phrase that as "longing to be with them," or "greatly desiring to be with them." The point is Jesus desires and is eager to be with us. No matter our schedule - pause to be with Him, He's Eager to be with you.